Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Counting Down

As of right now, I have 6 days left with my students. During that time I have so much to do for school and just in general. So I decided to combine my list of things to do with my blog. Multitasking is the only way to go at times like this.

To Do List for May 29-June 6

1. Prepare for tomorrow's field trip.
2. Make final plans for kindergarten graduation.
3. Do final evaluations for each student.
4. Calculate grades.
5. Fill out report cards.
6. Order cake for graduation.
7. Put together gift bags for graduation.
8. Finish speech for graduation.
9. Practice songs and readings with kids for graduation.
10. Decorate for graduation.
11. Buy birthday present for party the boys will be attending on Saturday.
12. Go grocery shopping.
13. Fill out diplomas.
14. Decide which award each student gets.
15. Fill out award certificates.
16. Write, publish, print and distribute Grace Notes.
17. Organize Bible class staff.
18. Prepare Bible class lesson.
19. Clean classroom and send home all leftover supplies.
20. Get classroom ready for summer vacation.
(More to come, I'm sure!)

To Do List for June 7

1. REST!


Anonymous said...

Wow. If I had known I could have a blog and just post my lists, I might have been in a long time ago. You know how I love a good list.

Anonymous said...

List of things to do between now and June 6:
1. Make a list of things to do.

(See you're ahead of me already!)