...that it takes exactly the same amount of time to say the pledge of allegience as it takes me to make sure 13 kindergarteners are all standing and putting the correct hand over their hearts.
...that picking the perfect pumpkin at a nearby farm can take some 5 year olds a loooong time.
...that no matter how many times I do dishes, there are always more to do.
...that even though my son is two days away from turning eight, I still feel like he was born yesterday.
...that regardless of what my six year old does at one moment, he can melt my heart in the next.
...that when discussing television shows with alarming plots, you should make sure everyone listening knows that it's just tv.
...that seventh graders will eat anything. Even sunflower seeds that they harvested, soaked, cooked...and burned.
...that it's still possible to genuinely surprise people. :)
Heehee! :)
Oh, and re: the dishes thing, I have the same problem with laundry. What's with these people I live with? Do they really need to eat and change clothes every single day?
And surprise us you did. :)
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