There have been many, many children in my life over the years. It all started when I was a teenager and took babysitting jobs. Then for several years my mom and I owned a preschool and cared for more kids than I can count. Then I started teaching and taught kids from kindergarten through the eighth grade. I have also taught numerous Bible classes and have even done a few stints as a Vacation Bible School teacher. All of the children that I have come in contact with have somehow influenced my life. Some have given me good stories to tell. Some have taught me more than any college professor ever could. Some made me glad that I could send them home at the end of the day. And some touched my heart.
Then there are the children of my sister-friends. They are so very special to me for two reasons. One, because they are all great kids. And two, because I love their mothers so much that the feeling naturally spills over onto them. I share with their moms the pride and happiness that come along the way. I share in their lives now and hopefully for a long time to come.
Then, of course, there are my own children. Oh my goodness. I never, never could have imagined a love like I have for these three little souls that have been graciously sent to live with me for a life time. First there was Josh. I was scared before he was born because being a mommy was something that I wanted but didn't know anything about. I read all the books. But nothing could prepare me for the reality of having a child. Or for the feeling of having my heart walk around outside my body. Then 19 months later Adam came along. I wondered how I could possibly love another child the way I loved Josh. Knowing that Adam was a boy before he was born helped me bond with him during the busy-ness of having a one year old. And when he was born, even though I thought it wasn't possible, my heart again left me to reside with someone else... this tiny, bald person that I hardly knew but loved more than life itself. Then seven years later it happened again. I remember lying on the operating table last June and hearing for the first time, the cry of my daughter. She was loud. And I was in love. Before I even saw her face I loved her. And in that moment my heart fled for a third time. Every single day I thank God for three beautiful, healthy, happy children. Is it always easy? No. Is it always fun? Not always. Is it always amazing? Yes.
And then there are two other children in my life who I could only love more if they were my own. One is my nephew, Aidan. He is amazing. He is smart and funny and creative and imaginative and sweet. He surprises me in a new and wonderful way every time I am blessed to spend time with him. There is some kind of special aunt love that makes me feel about Aidan like I feel about no one else. It was only he who brought out that unique feeling. Until Friday. Friday I met Abigail Mae, my brand new niece. She already amazes me. She amazes me because of her sweet little face and round cheeks. She amazes me because she has more hair than her seven month old cousin. She amazes me because of the miracle that she is. And she amazes me because she is part of my sister who is my best friend. I am so looking forward to getting to know this new child in my life. To finding out who she is and who she will become. To watching her grow up with Julianna and seeing them play together and be best friends. To being someone she can come to and count on and laugh with. I am already planning our first slumber party. We will watch movies and eat popcorn and bake cookies and paint each other's fingernails. Abby and Jules will do their mommies' hair and then Ada and I will do theirs. And then when things start to settle down, Ada and I will sit together in wonder as we watch our little girls whispering and giggling together. And I will reach over and take my sweet sister's hand in mine and we will remember the day Abby was born and tear up just a little. And smile a lot.
Due to my emotional post-delivery state, I have not been able to read your last two posts without crying! What a beautiful writer you are! I'm excited for Jules and Abby to grow up together...just like I'm excited for Erika and Laurel to grow up together as well. What a blessing sisters are! Or, cousins who are like sisters.
Oh, Jen! What an amazing post. I'm sitting her sniffing and trying not to drip tears on my keyboard.
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