Thursday, February 05, 2009

On The Move

Julianna has been trying really hard to crawl the last couple of weeks. She would get on her hands and knees and rock back and forth. She would even move her hands ahead a little and then dive to get a toy that was just out of reach. But Tuesday it happened. Hand, knee, hand, knee, forward movement. She crawled! And since then she has been practicing and can go quite a distance. I'm not sure that she really understands why the rest of the family claps and says, "Yeah, Julianna," or "You're crawling!" She's just happy that she can get to all those places she could only see before. So here's what that means. She can more easily and quickly move around the living room. I need to double check baby proofing. She can get into the kitchen now. I have to sweep every day. She can get to her brother's toys. I need to explain again why legos must be put away. She is growing. I have to treasure every second.

And apparently, enough of this...

...and this...
...leads to this.
The hole was tiny in the morning when she got up, but after just a little while of baby acrobatics, it grew to this. Oh, yeah. She's also ready for the next size of jammies.


Unknown said...

I love the middle one with the little yoga pose looking move! There's no stopping her now!

MarmiteToasty said...

Now your in for trouble LOL......
