Saturday, November 07, 2009

Tea Party

Julianna and I went to a tea party today.

First we chose our tea cups.

I chose this cute Holly Hobby cup because it reminded me
of Jules when she picks up our cat, Ben. And because it's Holly Hobby.

Here's Julianna with her little pink cup.

And here she is trying to get the camera.

And here's mom, Ada, and Abby. How cute are Abby's tights?!

And our lovely hostess, Marci.

And Jules and Abby playing.

It was a really nice girl's day. I look forward to many more Thanksgiving teas. Thanks for a great day, Marci.


Ada said...

I absolutely looove it. Can't wait until next year. It's a great tradition.

Unknown said...

That looks like so much fun! I was sad that we were going to be out of town for it. Jules looks super cute in her dress!