Thursday, December 02, 2010

10 Things Thursday

I had this "10 things on my Christmas list" post going for today and then got to #7 and couldn't think of anything else to add because I was thinking about all those people who would love to make lists but can't because they aren't going to be having much of a Christmas this year. Sometimes I have days when I feel sorry for myself because I have to work and my husband only works part time and can't find a decent full time job. Poor me. I have to get up every morning to go to work. But I have a job. Poor me. We barely make enough to pay our bills. But we pay our bills. Poor me. I can't go out to dinner this week. But I have plenty of food to cook at home. My poor kids. They're not getting that expensive video game they want for Christmas. They're only getting 3 gifts instead of 4. Poor, shmoor. We have a roof over our heads and working heat. We have a month's worth of food in our pantry and fridge. We all have warm coats and boots and gloves. And my kids have more toys than will ever get played with enough to wear them out. We are not poor. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Do we have financial struggles? Yes. Do I have to watch what I spend? Yes. Every day. Do we have everything we need and many of the things we want? Yes, yes, yes. We have been given so much over the past few years. This year I want to be a giver. So I'm not going to post a Christmas list today. I'm going to post "10 things I can do to give to others this Christmas season."

1. Donate to the food bank or food boxes at church.
2. Help wrap and deliver gifts from our church's Giving Tree.
3. Look around my house for unopened toys and gifts to share with others.
4. Choose a name for the Giving Tree to give to.
5. Join together with others (at work, at school, at church) to support a needy family.
6. Skip my weekly lunch out or trip to Dutch Bros. and give the savings away.
7. Encourage the children in my life to be givers.
8. Encourage the grown ups in my life to be givers.
9. Share what we have, whatever it might be, with those less fortunate.
10. Pray. Pray for those who need jobs. For those who are discouraged. For those who are in need. Just pray.

The great thing about this list is that YOU can do many of these things, too. Join me in finding a way to give.

Today's Mitzvah: Julianna. Today is her half birthday. She is two and a half years old. So I am going to give her a little pair of Dora socks (she loves socks) and a pair of purple, sparkly slippers (she loves shoes, too). Happy Half Birthday, Sweet Girl.


Unknown said...

Such a good reminder! I have far more than I could ever wish for, and somehow still manage to get jealous of this and that and wish I could buy this or that for my kids (vacations, gymnastics lessons, swim lessons etc.)

Thanks for reminding me to not be so selfish and materialistic and to give what I do have to others!!

Katrina said...

This post reminds me of one of the many things I love about you, Jen. You have such a heart for others and a spirit of gratitude. Can I be you when I grow up?

Anonymous said...

Last Christmas my siblings, in-laws and older nieces and nephews (all of us equal about 50 when we count the little ones) decided to regift new and gently used items that were specific to the receiving individual. Home made gifts were also accepted.
How many times can you read a book? Do you use that Waterford pitcher or could the 'Martha Steward' of the family use it.
There would be no recriminations if a family member had first given it to you.
The little ones received their gifts, often bought with money from more than a couple of us. It worked so well, we're doing it again.

Anonymous said...

Always a pleasure to read your blog. As Katrina said, can I be you when I grow up? I wish more people had your heart and attitude. The Stickman

MarmiteToasty said...

I cant believe Julianna is already 2 1/2 where has the time gone...

you dont have to tell me about lack of work and struggling.... I dont know what the new year will bring for us here, I know it cant possibily be as difficult as the past couple of years... or can it.. Ive a feeling it can..

at least me have janet to eat over the crimbo period lol


MarmiteToasty said...

Anonymous - do you know some of the bestest gifts I have ever received have been regifted.... my friend once gave me the most beautiful jug (I am a great lover of jugs new and antique and I use them all in one way or another....) she said she never used it and know everytime I went to her house I lovingly touched the jug thinking no one ever saw lol....
