Sunday, August 14, 2011

What goes around...

When I was a kid and was about to go somewhere overnight with school or church, my dad would offer me $3.00 or a trip to Dairy Queen or both to stay home. I'm pretty sure I never took him up on it. I went on the trip. And I had fun and learned and grew. And rarely thought about mom and dad at home.

So today when the boys were getting ready to head off to camp for a week, I offered them $10.00 or a trip to Outback or both to stay home. (I had to take into account inflation since 1987.) They didn't take me up on my offer. So they got into the church van, waved goodbye, gave me the "I love you" sign, and left me for a week. And I know they will have fun and learn and grow. And rarely think of their mom at home. Even if I am thinking of them every minute.


Allison said...

I wish I were at camp with them!

Katrina said...

I should have sent Katie. She would have loved it. I, of course, would have had a nervous breakdown.

Maybe next year!

Ada said...

They are having a great time!!!

p.s. don't you wish just one time you would've taken Dad up on the offer? I do.

Jen said...

Allison, me too.

Katrina, we could have broken down together.

Ada, I'm sure they are. And, yes. Yes, I do.

kathy said...

do you think josh talked them into stopping on the way so he could throw a line in the water? he looked like he planned to fish out of the window when he left!

tuesday morning and no calls yet. everybody must be doing fine!

Jen said...

Kathy, my dad says that Josh would fish in a mud puddle if that was all that was around. I believe it. And I'm sure you're right that they're fine. *sigh*

Me~Kelly said...

I sent mine off for the first time this summer. Broke my heart and I worried all week.
U sure they don't think about us while they r gone? Darn it.