Wednesday, June 19, 2013

10 Things Thursday

I'm always finding reviews and recommendations for new and interesting books as I crawl across the web. I have started writing down titles and authors for future reference. But every once in a while, if a book looks really good, I'll go to our community library website and place a hold on it to get it as soon as possible. That happened this week. I saw somewhere a review of "Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six-Word Memoirs By Writers Famous and Obscure." What?! Six word memoirs?! I knew I must read it! I picked it up from the library yesterday and couldn't put it down. I am finding it extremely fascinating to see how people describe their lives in six words. Some funny, some sad, some touching, some thought provoking.

I decided to mark my favorites planning for this post. I started marking...and marking...and marking. Here's what happened.

Yeah. That's more than 10. But for 10 Things Thursday, here are 10 of my favorite six-word memoirs...

1. Watching quietly from every door frame.--Nicole Resseguie
2. The psychic said I'd be richer.--Elizabeth Bernstein
3. Forest peace, sharing vision, always optimistic.--Dr. Jane Goodall
4. Danced in fields of infinite possibilities.--Deepak Chopra
5. Xenophile escapist tumbleweed globetrots, finds self.--Dominic Arizona Bouccelli
6. Near death experiences are my forte.--Anna Mauser-Martinez
7. Slightly psychotic, in a good way.--Patricia Neelty
8. I wrote it all down somewhere.--Ben Greenman
9. Clueless meets Ophelia, without the suicide.--Larisa Ballinger
10. Discovered moral code via Judy Blume.--Beth Greivel

And 10 more...
1. Wannabe heroine but just Plain Jane.--Tanya Holland
2. It's pretty high. You go first.--Alan Eagle
3. In a Manolo world, I'm Keds.--Colleen Cook
4. My first concert: Zappa. Explains everything.--Janet Tashjian
5. Students laughed appreciatively. The professor relaxed.--Laurie Hensley
6. Dorothy Gale had the right idea.--Pamela Vissing
7. Canoe guide, only got lost once.--Taylor Stump
8. Boys liked her. She preferred books.--Anneliese Cuttle
9. If Eliza Doolittle wore cowboy boots...--Dixie Friedman
10. So it goes, a tad askew.--Michael Dickter

And just 10 more...
1. The image was large with silence.--Elizabeth Raab
2. I colored outside the lines.--Jacob Thomas
3. Me: consistently avoiding death since 1978!--Daniel Fowlkes
4. Even the quietest sounds make noise.--Paul Boggan
5. Many hands have kept me afloat.--Nick Flynn
6. Little bit Lucy, tempered by Ethel.--Tami Maus
7. Business school? Bah! Pop music? Hurrah!--Max Robins
8. Mom blames musical theater. I disagree.--Don Sigale
9. Poet locked in body of contractor.--Marilyn Hencken
10. Hope my obituary spells "debonair" correctly.--Gregg Easterbrook

Okay...really this time, just 10 more. Then you'll have to read the book.
1.Her blue eyes capture the distance.--Sonya Cheuse
2. To make a long story short...--Jace Albao
3. Rather sing than stay to chat.--Keri Willson
4. Underachieving...but willing to overcompensate halfheartedly.--Frank J. Lepiane
5. Well, I thought it was funny.--Stephen Colbert
6. Put whole self in, shook about.--Melissa Delzio
7. I inhale battles. I exhale victories.--William Heath
8. I answer to the name Mom.--Lynne Chesterton
9. Fearlessness is the mother of reinvention.--Arianna Huffington
10. Straight jacket on the gentle cycle.--Stewart Rudy

Still couldn't do it...4 more...
1. I'm the fine print; read closely.--Kristina Grish
2. Veni, vidi, but haven't vici yet.--Meenakshi Nandini
3. That Kiss song says it all.--James Hampton
4. On the seventh word, he rested.--Stephen J. Dubner


kathy said...

You do know it's only Wednesday, right? Over-achiever.

Jen said...

I totally meant to save this for tomorrow! What a dork! :-)

Ada said...

wow...i love those.
and now, i'm thinking...