Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Today I learned...

...five year olds can need two bandaids in the first five minutes of school.
...I can tie shoes with my eyes closed.
...a gillion is not a number.
...aloe belongs to the lily family.
...I know who's stomping in line without even looking.
...there are only two lego "humans" in the bucket, but three boys who want them.
...kindergarteners can, and will, cheat at Candy Land.
...casting out 9's is easy once you get the hang of it.
...kindergarteners love guinea pigs more than guinea pigs love kindergarteners.
...if your forehead is hot and you don't feel good you might have a "feber."
...it is possible to say "don't do that" a gillion times in one day.


Ada said...

Today I learned that my days are much better when I get to read a new blog of yours.

B.R.M said...

In a couple of months you will see how far they have come - how much they have learned.

A few years from now these little ones will still love their first teacher. Your name will defintely be the one they remember.

Your work is appreciated.

Katrina said...

A gillion? Is that anything close to a "gazillion"? 'Cuz that for sure is a number.

I'm so glad you're writing these down! (You know, for when you do your memoirs...)