Friday, September 19, 2008

Call Me

I have a friend (Kathy) who is my "weird phone call" friend. I love it when I hear her ringtone on my phone because it's usually something interesting. She has called to tell me what the guy in front of her in the grocery store check-out line has in his cart (a 12 pack of beer and a pregnancy test). She has called me to ask me why in the world teenage boys wear their pants so baggy that you can see their boxer shorts. She has called to ask me how big her hallway bulletin board is. She has called to tell me about how she almost had to take out the cashier at Micheal's who didn't want to give her the clearance prices on what she was buying. Twice. She has called to ask my opinion on any number of given purchases and to talk her out of some purchases that she didn't really need but that were a really good deal. Most recently I got about a dozen calls about rats. And I loved every one. But my favorite all time call came when she was out of town and called to tell me that she was on a morning walk and saw something that made her think of me. She sweetly told me all about the beautiful weather and scenery and I was wondering what had made her think of me. A flower? A butterfly? A cloud shaped like a heart? Then she told me. It was a used pregnancy test lying by the side of the road. (I was pregnant with Julianna.) I laughed so hard. And let me tell you, it's not good for a pregnant woman to laugh that hard.

I hesitate to write this next part because I know that she will totally take this as a challenge and try to stay on top of the weird phone call list, but I received a pretty weird call from my sister yesterday.

Me: Hello
Her: How do you spell hearse? You know like the car they carry dead people in.
Me: H-E-A-R-S-E
Her: Yep. That's it. (Apparently she was on the computer spell check or something.)
Me: Why do you want to know how to spell hearse? (She works at a bank.)
Her: We just wanted to know how it was spelled and no one here knew.
Me: Ummm, okay.
Her: I knew you'd know how to spell it.
Me: Yeah, you should read more vampire books and you'd know, too. (She has been teasing me about reading "Twilight.")

So, 1. I'm glad that I know how to spell hearse. 2. I love weird phone calls. And, 3. I can't wait for the phone to ring.


Katrina said...

I love Kathy phone calls, too! This morning she called me to ask me to check something in her classroom for her (I was there early), causing me to ask, "How do you know I'm at school already?" Apparently she drove by and saw me on her way back through time to attend an early morning yard sale that happened LAST Friday.


Anonymous said...

Don't make too much fun of me or go ahead, but be sure to turn your phone off when you go to bed! Keep it on next Thursday, though. I'm sure I'll be calling about Grey's!

Jen said...

Katrina, Oh, yeah. I didn't even mention those before school calls.

Kathy, You know we love you and your phone calls. And a new Grey's! Woo hoo!!

Ada said...

I was going to say something to defend myself. But I can't really...I really couldn't figure it out and the girls were making suggestions that didn't sound at all correct. So what else do you do? I mean come on.

Anonymous said...

hmmm, before school calls:

jen: hello?
me: where are you?
jen: pulling up to mcdonald's.
me: i thought so. get me a sausage biscuit with egg and cheese, would ya?
jen: how did you know i was here?
me: lucky guess.


me: honk honk (driving past school)
katrina: looks away from the road, toward the barn.
me: never mind

Jen said...

Ada, I am glad to be your human dictionary...and encyclopedia...and what to expect book. Call me anytime. :)

Kathy, Mmmm...McDonald's.