Saturday, November 15, 2008

First Cold

Is there anything more pitiful than a sick baby? Poor Julianna has a cold complete with watery eyes, runny and stuffy nose, and coughing. She's being a real trooper and isn't complaining much, but I can tell she doesn't feel well. She's not her smiley, happy self. Hopefully a few days of rest will help.

(Adam is also down with the same cold. And I woke up with a sore throat. But mommy can't get sick.)


Katrina said...

Awwww, poor girlie! I hate when my kids are sick; it's such a powerless feeling! I hope you all get well soon!

MarmiteToasty said...

You can use all snots as a quick drying glue for craft items LOL... oh shut up, its called recycling :)

Seriously though sorry to hear everyone is poorly.... GET BETTER SOON.....

FANK YOU FANK YOU SO VERY MUCH....for the most amazing book, newpaper and gorgeous photos.... me postie had left them on the back step yesterday whilst I was out and I didnt even find them til late when I went to shut me chickens in....... emailing coming :) - can you see the beam on me face all the way from over there.....