Saturday, November 01, 2008


Today is November 1st and therefore the first day of Nablopomo, which stands for National Blog Posting Month. I have once again joined this crazy group of bloggers with the goal of posting on my blog everyday during the month of November. This is challenging for a few reasons. One, coming up with something to write about everyday is harder than it sounds. And, two, actually finding the time to write is even more difficult. So I will write everyday but I give no guarantees that everyday will be the brilliant and witty posts that you're used to. :)

Secondly, November means something else. It means that the holidays are just around the corner. Adam asked me this morning how many days until Christmas. 55. That's how many days until Christmas. And before that comes Thanksgiving. I love this time of year and am looking forward to it. I get a warm feeling just thinking about days spent with family and the yummy smells as I walk into my mom's house on Thanksgiving day and decorating the Christmas tree with my kids and sitting in the dark with a cup of hot chocolate watching the lights twinkle. And this year will be especially fun as I watch the whole thing through the eyes of my daughter as she experiences it for the first time.

So it's November. And November is good.


MarmiteToasty said...

wow, good luck with that...... everyday is wellabit hard.....


Anonymous said...

I think you can do it easily, especially with kids around. Good luck and I will look each day to see what's new with you. The Stickman

Idaho Dad said...

I did the past two years, but this time around I didn't even hesitate for a second to say, "NO!"

I feel so swamped by so many things right now, I'm actually rather proud of myself for turning down NaBloPoMo.

Now if I could've just said no to the dozen other things I've agreed to do.

Idaho Dad said...

Oh, forgot to say.... GOOD LUCK!

Katrina said...

We can do it!!! I am looking forward to another awesome thirty days in a row of Jen!