Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday WORD

Where you are right now is God's place for you. 
Live and obey and love and believe right there.
1Corinthians 7:17


Ada said...

Um, I just looked that verse up because I thought maybe you were writing your own.
Nope, it is in there. And it is convicting.
I might need to embroider that on a pillow for my home.


Jen said...

Don't you know that people get in BIG trouble for writing their own verses?!

I've been reading The Message in the early, quiet mornings before anyone else is up. Some of the scriptures we've known for years are so wonderful in that translation. Glad you like it.

Jeanie said...

This speaks to me so much! Especially after two surgeries (one open heart). I rest on the truth that this is where I am supposed to be. Thank you!!!