Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Did You Know...

...that kindergarteners who pick their noses are the ones who are most bothered when others do the same thing?

...that sentences start with a capital and end with a "pyramid?"

...that if you tell five year olds to make a straight line when writing an "I" and then you don't, they will tell you every time?

...that seventh graders would rather do anything than multiply measurements...or multiply anything for that matter?

...that seventh graders will do pretty much anything for food, especially candy or fries?

...that "quiet" means two different things to the teacher and the students?

...that if you teach "Jingle Bells" to children, second and third grade boys will always teach them all the "Batman smells" version?

...that "Feliz Navidad" can also be sung "Police Mommy Dot?"

...that you should always try kindness first?

...that Christmas comes faster when your shopping isn't finished?

...that the kid who is sick and has to stay home doesn't want to, but the kid who is perfectly healthy would stay home in a second?

...that each day is full blessings with a few challenges mixed in?


Katrina said...

I'm sensing material for a book here. You must have so many great teaching stories and anecdotes! I hope you get your shopping done soon--it seems like the frantic buzz of the crowds get louder with every day that passes. Let me know if you need a shopping buddy. I love crowds!

Police Mommy Dot to you and yours!

Mariposa said...

Cute facts...glad to know about them...I'm sure you have more of this stuff...cheers to future sharing?! lol Looking forward to similar posts...loved it!

RosieBoo said...

Gee whiz, I'd even do most anything for food ;)