Thursday, December 06, 2007


Throw one little fit, and your co-workers think you are losing your mind. Or could at any moment.

That's what happened yesterday. As you know, my kindergarten class this year is challenging, to say the least. So on the way to school yesterday I was thinking about what I needed to do to regain control over my class. And whining to myself a little about how I have the biggest class and the most difficult students. So when my administrator announced in front of everyone that I might be getting a new student, I pretty much said, "No." No, I don't want a new student. My class is enough to handle and throwing a new student in three weeks before Christmas would put me right over the edge. I don't care how well behaved and smart he is. I'm already one student over my limit so, no, I don't want another student. And I said so. In front of everyone. With a few tears thrown in for good measure. (I'm blaming pregnancy hormones.)

So since then the other teachers have been stopping by my room to check on me and volunteering their rooms for troublemakers to sit in for a while. And probably checking to see that I haven't run screaming from the building leaving 13 poor five year olds to teach themselves that "a says a as in apple." Kathy, friend that she is, even offered to switch classes with me for the day. And she gave me a huge Toblerone bar today for a little extra encouragement. This would all be fine, except I was embarrassed enough as it was and then felt like a big baby. And I hate being babied.

Today was better. No tears (yet). And the class hasn't been quite as tough as usual. Maybe they sense the danger. And I didn't get babied quite so much. So all in all, I just might be able to make it through the next two weeks until Christmas vacation. And as big as the candy bar is, it might just last until then, too!


Anonymous said...

Two things, just so you won't think I'm babying you. Besides, it's nice to see someone else lose it for a change. That Marci usually monopolizes that market.
1) You know how I love a good challenge. Please let me switch with you for just one day.
2) The Toblerone had nothing to do with the "Clash of the Titans" moment. As I said, it was strictly to introduce you to the finery of Swiss chocolate, let you sample a major component of my diet while spending a summer in Austria, and to allow you to rethink your exclusion of said bar on the "5 things to be happy about" list.

Ada said...

Blame it on our blood line as we all had one that day. Its ok. And I say take the teachers up on it. Send 4 to each will have a quiet room. And you can eat your candy bar in peace. And hey if candy is the cure...I will need some delivered to my branch of employment.

Mariposa said...

If only I can, I would go to your class and be your guest I handle the kids while you observe and take notes on how I'm doing...this is one profession I have been wanting to do...and yet I know, a very challenging one!

I admire you for taking this tough job!


Anonymous said...

WHAT?????? I wouldn't call it "losing it", Kathy! I would just call it being able to express myself. I have to do it out of self preservation because I cannot afford anti-depressants. By the way, Jen, sorry that I had to defend myself on your blog. And I hope that my lack of generous offers of help for your situation was recognized as respect for your feelings and understanding that were I in the same situation, offers of kindness only make me emotional. By the way, you are not crazy, and it is not you. We all know that some classes are more difficult than others, and you just have to take it one day at a time with a lot of prayer. Sorry that I could not offer you a more concrete solution, but I will listen to your venting any time!

Anonymous said...

Just checking to see if you were paying attention, Marci. Nice personal dig, by the way.

9milemom said...

Be thankful for life's little blessings....Kindergarten only stays half day (is it that way at your school?) and did you say you had 13? In the school I worked in before moving to Washington, we had 20 in our class and we were full day 5 days a week!!!

Maybe you could implement a 45 minute nap time :-) LOL!

Hang in there!