Friday, November 14, 2008


I watch Grey's Anatomy. They almost lost me as a viewer in the last few weeks, but I decided to give it one more chance. And last night was better. It was back to more patient/doctor stuff which is the best part. I'm glad. I would have missed Bailey and Izzie and Alex and George if I would have had to let them go. And now that Denny is haunting Izzie I have to stick around.


Katrina said...

I'm a couple of episodes behind, but I'm catching up. I just watched the one with the domino kidney surgeries, which was good (but with some cringeworthy moments.) I'm so glad the Army field surgeon is back--woot! I guess if he's going to hang around I'd better learn his name...

Anonymous said...

i'll hang around just to catch the ghostly glimpses of denny!