Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Update: Julianna is getting better. She had several days of high fever and wanted to do nothing but sleep. The fever finally broke after a few days of antibiotics. Yesterday she was more active and even smiled a little. We were able to take her to church this morning and she did fine other than being a little cranky from missing her morning nap. Now if she'd just start eating again she'll be on her way to her silly little self. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.

Julianna woke up with a slight fever yesterday morning. After the new tooth, I thought maybe she was getting another. She was warm, kind of sleepy, and didn't eat much all day. Since it was family dinner night at my mom's house and I didn't want to take her in case it was something contagious, Arrty volunteered to stay home with her so that I could take the boys for dinner. When I got home and picked her up, she was burning up. I knew that she was at least 102 degrees. Mom's know these things. When I took her temperature, it was 102.5 under her arm which means you have to add a degree making it 103.5. Yikes! She also had red spots all over her body which I attributed to the fever. I gave her some Tylenol and after a while her fever went down (but not away) and she even got down off my lap to play a little. But all through the night, she was feverish and miserable and didn't sleep much. So this morning when her fever was still between 102 and 103 I decided to take her in to the doctor. He said that the fever, rash, and redness in her eyes made him think it was either a viral infection or a strep infection. (She also has an ear infection in one ear.) So he put her on antibiotics which will hopefully help her get better quickly. He then did something that I wish doctors wouldn't do. He said, "I don't want to worry you but her symptoms are also associated with a rare disease called..." (I don't remember what he said. I was too busy praying.) Why do they do that?!?! If I come back in a few days and she's not better or getting worse, then tell me about the rare disease!

As of now, she has had her first dose of antibiotic and a dose of Tylenol and is finally sleeping peacefully with only a slight fever. And can I just say that there is nothing more worrisome and sad than a sick baby.

Please pray for Julianna over the next few days that the antibiotics work and that she's back to her silly, sweet self soon. Thanks.


Unknown said...

I hope she didn't catch it from Lily! I'm sorry if she did. Lily didn't have the spots, but she had the high fever and has had diarrhea for three days. If it is the same thing, though, take heart that she should feel better in a few days. She's in our prayers!

Katrina said...

Poor Jules! I hope she feels better soon!

MarmiteToasty said...

Much love and hugs Im sending your way.... I came down with tonsilitis (sp) and an ear infection yesterday, but I sure she didnt catch it off me lol

Pod the baby I mind was right proper poorly on Tuesday, and I had to ring the parents by 2.30 cos he was getting progressively worst and also projectile vomiting everywhere (I have great photos lol) - the little bugger probably gave me his lurgie..

Sleep sweet Julianna....


Jen said...

Alyson, I'm sure she didn't get it from Lily since they came down with it at the same time. I hope Lily is feeling better, too.

Katrina, Thanks. How's your family?

Mel, Thanks so much for your hugs and we are sending some your way, too. Hope you and Pod are better soon.

MarmiteToasty said...

Just checking in to see how Jules is?

Hope the worst has passed and she beginning to recover...


Jen said...

Mel, thanks so much for thinking of us and especially Julianna. She is doing much better. She'll be good as new in a few days I'm sure.