Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Where'd you put the Oreos?

I don't like it when people mess with my routine. For the past several weeks the owners of my grocery store of choice have been remodeling. I don't like it. I don't like it that every time I go in there things are moved around. And I won't like it when it's finished because I had the store memorized and could get in and out quickly. Now it takes twice as long to shop because I have to zig zag back and forth through the store because my list is written in the order of how the store used to be arranged. I hope when the project is completed they give away maps of the new store layout so that I can study it and write my list accordingly. Sure, the finished section of new floors look nice and the spruced up produce department is cool, but even still I get a little agitated at all the change. And I'm not the only one. When I was in there Sunday afternoon, an elderly lady was being guided to the coffee when she asked, in a disgruntled voice, "How many more months am I going to need help to find what I need around here." The answer from the young employee, "I think it's supposed to be finished in April or May." But I will still shop there because it is the most convenient and, well, changing stores would be an even bigger change than relearning where the cereal is.

And then, Friday I ran into Costco to get strawberries, tangerines, and baby formula. I was in a hurry so I was darting back to the produce without even stopping at the book section. When I got to where the fruit is supposed to be I was surrounded by wine. What?!?! Now Costco is doing it to me. The fruit is where the wine used to be. It totally messed up my whole hurrying thing. What is this world coming to when two of the three stores I shop at are moving things around on me? At least the formula was where it was supposed to be.

If they start moving things around in Target, I don't know what I'll do.


Unknown said...

I nearly went crazy at Grocery Store of Choice yesterday! AND when I was there, their phones were down so they couldn't accept credit or debit cards, so the man in line in front of me was having to pick and choose what to buy because he only had so much cash. I left without bothering to locate the peanut butter and Bisquick because I'd already gone down every aisle 10 times. I'm with you; change stinks!!

Anonymous said...

I recently noticed that I am not very fond of change lately, and I immediately attributed it to my age. Not that I am implying that you are aging. Remember when change used to be an adventure?

Idaho Dad said...

We were just in Costco last night and I found that huge barrier of wine in front of the big walk-in fridge to be rather disconcerting. It's like they don't want people to go in that fridge anymore. And why are the fruits and veggies waaaay over by the auto accessories? Having most of the food stuff in one corner, or side, of the store was too convenient. They must want shoppers to spread out and stop crowding around one area.

Word Tosser said...

I hear you all... Our Yoke's switched everything last year and I am finally finding everything again. Was in Costco down in your town(cda) and everything is different plus they downsizes my favorite spot .. the books. Now Wal-mart up here in Bonner county is switching everything.. it took me 3 clerks and a stranger before I could locate something I wanted in the store.. and they are still shifting things.
I hate it when they mess with my mind.

Katrina said...

I'm with you! I hate when they move things around and a "quick trip" to the store becomes a game of find-the-Velveeta.

I especially dislike change at Costco, because then you're not even sure whether they've stopped carrying the item or not. I mean, are you supposed to keep looking?

Anonymous said...

if you pick up enough wine, you won't care where the strawberries and tangerines are.

Anonymous said...

sorry, that last comment was me. could you guess?