Thursday, March 27, 2008


I just checked my calendar, and yes, it is in fact MARCH 27th and not January 27th. I will say this once and then leave it. I am so sick of snow. We still have a ton in the front yard and 4 foot piles along the driveway. I'm just so glad that all the new stuff melts before the end of the day. And that it's not on the road.

Today is parent/teacher conference day. I only have a few of my students that make this time challenging. It's always hard to tell parents that their child should repeat kindergarten. And I'm sure it's hard to hear. But honestly, now's the time to hold them back. The younger the better. They end up getting a much stronger foundation in the long run, are better prepared for the rest of their education, and aren't so affected by the social aspects that are present later on.

I got a phone call a few days ago from the hospital to set up a pre-admission appointment for the baby's delivery. The nurse laughed when I exclaimed, "Already?!?!" She must hear that a lot.

I officially start spring break tomorrow at 11:00 after my last conference. Woo hoo! I will be spending it converting the computer/playroom to a nursery and doing fun things with my family (Chuck E. Cheese, Triple Play, movies, bowling).

The people who work at McDonald's on Hanley Ave. are so nice. The morning lady that takes the money always calls me "sweetie" and speaks to the boys when we stop for breakfast. Even the teenagers that I deal with in the drive through are super polite and friendly. Either they are very well trained or just an extraordinarily nice bunch of people. Or maybe it's because they know that my french fry cravings pay half their salary.


Jorge Carlos de Castro said...


Katrina said...

I am so with you on the snow! (Although our berms aren't as big as yours.) I'm ready for SUN!

I think McDonald's fries are the best in the fast food world. The only way they could be better is slathered with hot melted cheese. Hmmm...I think McCheesy Fries could really take off!