Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Flying Solo

10 Reasons Why It's Good To Go To The Movies By Myself
(This list should take nothing away from how much I love to go to the movies with my family or friends. It's just good to go alone sometimes.)

1. I get there on time and don't have to wait for anybody in the lobby.
2. I get to choose the movie.
3. I get to choose whatever snack I want (usually Raisinets and Diet Coke).
4. I don't have to share said snack.
5. I can sit wherever I want.
6. I can laugh out loud and not worry about what anyone else thinks.
7. I can cry and not have to pretend that I'm not.
8. I don't have to explain anything about the plot to anyone.
9. I don't have to clean up any spilled snacks.
10. I get to soak it all in--the movie, the emotions, the solitude--without distraction.

10 Reasons Why It's Good To Go To The Movies With Kathy

1. We usually get there on time and since we ride together, I don't have to wait in the lobby.
2. She and I like the same movies.
3. We can go in together on a snack combo and save a little money.
4. She will share her Junior Mints if I ask.
5. We agree that anywhere but the far right side of the front row is an okay place to sit.
6. She doesn't mind when I laugh out loud.
7. She pretends not to notice when I cry.
8. Not only does she understand the plot, but makes witty comments about it.
9. I usually don't have to clean up any spilled snacks because she catches the spill in her purse. :)
10. I get to soak it all in with someone who is my favorite distraction.


Katrina said...

Hey! Admit it! Number 8 is a direct jab at me, isn't it? Isn't it???

By the way, I've tagged you for my latest meme, which you will find here: http://notesonanapkin.blogspot.com/2007/06/over-teeth-and-through-gums.html


Anonymous said...

I love lists! Going with a professional movie-reviewer (my husband) is surprisingly very nice. He's really the one who would write the list, since I'm usually the cause of problems for #1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, & 10. At first I thought - hey I get to do these with Tyler, but then...he doesn't always get to do them with me. Poor guy. :)