Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Trading Places

Josh had a dentist appointment today. He was getting two sealants on his permanent molars. The dentist says he really needs to have his teeth sealed because they are "groovy." I love that my son has "groovy" teeth. :) But also, his left top front tooth, which had fallen out at least six weeks ago, hadn't come through yet so the dentist wanted to make an incision so that it could catch up with the other front tooth. When we found this out a few weeks ago at his check up, I was a little nervous at the prospect of the incision and always said "incision" instead of "cut" to keep Josh calm about it. But of course after a few days, he asked me what exactly they were going to do to him. I told him that they were going to cut his gum so that the tooth could come through and he was a little nervous, but didn't make a big deal about it.

Today he was such a trooper and didn't make a fuss at all during the sealants, the numbing, or the incision. The only way I knew that he was at all concerned was that he asked me to stay in the room with him. Usually he is good staying by himself. But all I could think of as my baby sat there with the dentist cutting his gum, was that if I could take his place, I would. He felt no pain. He wasn't even all that scared. But the mommy in me wanted to protect him from even the least bit of discomfort. Even if that meant that I had to go through it. I honestly think that it was harder for me than for him. When he was finished, all he wanted to know was when the numbness would go away so he could eat lunch. And he even said thank you to the dentist as we left. What a kid.

(He is fine, had raviolis for lunch, and hasn't said a word about his tooth.)

1 comment:

Amy said...

it is so difficult to just witness, isn't it? After giving birth to my son, I told my husband that for all the pain and the ordeal of it all, I don't know how he could do it - just standing there and watching it all unfold. I much prefered to go through it than to be a helpless witness!! (or wait...)