Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Picture Day

Today was picture day for our family. We had an appointment at Sears for the boys first thing this morning. They did great and we ended up with some super cute pictures of them together and individually. I did find out one thing, though. Adam's eyes almost close when he smiles---just like mine. :)

The lady that took their pictures has been there since the first time we took Josh for pictures 8 years ago. She recognizes me when I go in and today specifically assigned the other girl to the other family that was there so that she could take the boys' pictures. I thought that was pretty cool until she confessed that she took them because the other family had a baby and she knew the boys would be easier. Whatever. She takes the best pictures anyway.

Also she always tries to sell me the $200 package when I go in intending to spend $75. Every once in a while she gets me to buy the extras, but today I did well. I only bought a few extra sheets at $2.99 each because they were such great pictures at such a great price. And it's so hard not to buy pictures of your kids when they're right there looking so adorable.

After that we had a doctor's appointment for an ultrasound. I was a little apprehensive just because you never really know what's going on in there. The whole family got to go into the room and the lady explained that she was just going take some measurements to get an accurate due date. They apparently like to do that for repeat c-sections and now is the best time to measure. So she squirted some stuff on my tummy and started. Within seconds, there it was. A tiny, little 2 inch baby. My baby. Growing inside me. The boys were so excited. They oohed and aahed and couldn't believe what they were seeing. Before I knew it, there was a tear sliding down my cheek. I looked at Arrty and he was smiling from ear to ear. And so we all four watched as our baby was measured. We were shown the spine and eye sockets and heart beating. And got the hear the heartbeat as well. It was 162 beats per minute.

I thought to myself that the baby wasn't moving and watched and waited for some activity. And just like that, he or she woke up and started waving and kicking like crazy. Josh said, "Cool," and Adam giggled. They both loved it . So did I. It was amazing. Just as amazing as the first two times with the boys. The lady doing the ultrasound was great and told Josh and Adam that the baby was waving at it's big brothers. She also gave them their own pictures of the baby. I was so relieved to hear the heartbeat and see the baby move. It's just good to know that everything's going the way it's supposed to.

I was also relieved to see that there was only one baby in there. Everybody else thinks it would be so cool for me to have twins. But one baby at a time is plenty for me at my advanced maternal age. :)

So it was picture day. I have pictures of my 3 children to show off at Christmas. And can I just say that they are the cutest ones I've ever seen. Even the one that looks like a peanut with arms.


Anonymous said...

Did Stephanie take your pictures? We had ours done yesterday (Wed.) and she got me. I won't say how much we spent, but we do have the cd with copyright release so I plan on bringing the per sheet price WAY down with a Costco order! Congrats on one baby! Not everyone was hoping for twins!

Pam said...

that's nice that you've included the boys...i don't think i included my children each time i was pregnant. though looking back, i wish i had. luckily for me, my kids were never jealous of each other. it's neat how the boys got their own ultrasound pics, too. my ex just had a baby in sept w his girlfriend of a year and a month or two and had sent pics to my girls. my youngest just HAD to share w her class lol

glad everything is fine and here's wishing you and yours a happy thanksgiving!

Ada said...

that peanut just might be the cutest one yet...and i'm with kathy...i wouldn't wish twins on anoyone. geesh.